Dreamworks CG Movie Production Pipline


  1. Concept. A concept is created, and depending on the type of film it can be inspired by a wide variety of sources if the concept is chosen the script is then wrote.
  2. Script. The script is handed over to the storyboard team one page at a time, they read the page and create a series of comic book sketches to tell the story
  3. Storyboards. If the director and producer approve then the storyboards are digitally photographed and put together to create a story reel a (small sort of flip pad) these are combined with temporary music, sound effects, and voice over’s. This takes about 18 months to finish
  4. Artwork. once a story board is underway the visual development team take them and begin to design the proper look of the film with attention to detail from the characters to the environment, right down to the last prop you took for granted. Thousands of drawings, paintings, blueprints, sculptures and models are created for this step.
  5. Casting. after storyboards are drawn, and characters and sets are designed the casting then begins to find the voices for the characters as the voice caster is never seen in the final production what he or she looks like is not important, the producers and directors cast with there ears. The actors are video recorded doing the voices so the animators can capture key facial expressions and character reactions.
  6. Modelling. next comes actually creating the character into 3d, modelers already know what the character looks like so they start with a wireframed construct then when animation is needed they have a sort of chopped up character so the character is there but wherever a limb (such as a finger joint or knee joint) would connect has not yet been formed together this way the animators can freely move the joints of their models.
  7. Layout. Using the characters in there basic form, layout artists use rough shapes (like un detailed trees) to form a basic scene for which to move the characters around in (the characters move around as if frozen, no animation is present at this stage), this is done to determine the right camera movement as well as the character placement, spacing, lighting, geography and scene timing. The entire movie will be created in this way, giving a digital picture of each scene before the character animation actually begin the.
  8. Character Animation. After the scene has been completed and the sequence works out well in the simple layout form, the animators begin to animate the characters bringing them to life within the scene syncing them with the vocie actors. They articulate the thousands of controls that are created during the Modeling phase to bring each character to life and to synchronize them to the voice performances.Effects

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