Character Concept Art, Stage 2 – Colours…

Character Colour Design


This page will contain the colour sheets for all the characters once they have got through the rigors of the design phase.

All art is drawn originally by Rukifellth on paper then scanned and put up so I can break them down into there goods and bads, likes and dislikes.

Some of the drawings may apear rough and some are already coloured, so I take ones im happy with from the design phase and digitally remaster them in Flash, this makes them apear much more cartoon like, it is also many times easier to get the characters colour scheme right if it wasnt to my liking in the original.

The characters wont seem to apear in any order at first, because I may be happy with certain characters before others, but I will imput the images in the order of:

Gunstar Forces

Empire Forces

Golden Silver Forces

So be careful to check all the areas of the page because the newest images wont always be placed at the bottom.

also each character will have 5 diferent coloured designs…when you leave your comment leave the name of the character and the number of the colour scheme you liked best, so for example:

Joe Bloggs says:

RamosesBug Original, Ruks Test3, etc etc..

If you need to see them more clearly just click on the images to enlarge them.


Gunstar Forces

Blue (Klein)

Remastered and coloured – by Stedman75

Blue Colour Sheet

TEST1: this first test detailed only a minor change from how Rukifellth designed his colours originaly, the change of his pants to white with blue trim makes him feel much more complete to me

TEST2: my brother did this one because I asked him to, so I could see how another person would do it. He gave him a slight tan and used no white (much to my anoyance), he used grey perhaps where he thought the white should have been

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Red (Carmine)

Remastered and Coloured – by Stedman75

 info soon

yellow soon

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Decimarine (Dmarine)

Remastered and Coloured – by Stedman75



Empire Forces

Ramoses Bug

Remastered and coloured – by Stedman75

RBug colours sheet

These are just a few of the “possible” colours for Bug…. i feel ive been neglecting my GHR work as of late so im gonna try and get back on it…sorry for my absence

Standard Outline: This is just the plain outline exactly as i had traced it in flash over the original picture

Original Colours: This picture displays Bugs orignal colours Rukifelth decided on as close as I could get them without changing the way he looks… The colours are not as intense as in Rukifellths original coloured drawing and have been drained slightly to give him a softer more cartoon approach.

The rest are simply tests just to explore other posibilities….

TEST 1: Different look on him, I tried him in a royal blue overcoat this time with red trim and red eyes, it makes him look lots more important, formal and serious.

TEST 2: Trying to keeping the same look on him but still change it slightly, i thought of Irish leprichorns this time giving him deeper greens and lining him with “lots’o’gold” is eyes are deep forest green. 

TEST 3: Going off the rails a bit, I used my flagship colour set, the colours of the Shadowmist, including many deep grays (not black) and varying intensities of green… as Bug has no headband the Kspirit insignia on his chest displays his allegance to the shadows… Bug uses portals for his attacks so his wand contains a Kspirit that creates portals at his will (small portal shown on his wand)… All shadowmist empowered by Kspirits have glowing green eyes.

TEST 4: Giving him a more femanine aproach i decided to colour him in varied shades of purple ranging from very dark to very light… only three colours were used on this verisonmaking the mainstay of his body the purple that most would recognise and just adding the lighter and darker touches wherever they were needed, helping not to make him too femanine resulting in a total loss of his character.


Golden Silver Forces


Remastered and coloured – by Stedman75

Ruk represents Force (Picture below)

 Force Shot Icon

 Original Colours: This picture displays Ruk’s original colour scheme first decided by Rukifelth when he coloured the original.  The colours are limited to the ones shown, not including the blue on her legs in the original or the white parts, these colours of amber orange and brown are the closest colours to the Force insignia she represents.

TEST 1: This is the colour scheme I personally would want Ruks to have ingame… no brown and all light colours, the colour is evenly spread, with no one colour dominating or more visble than another, if so i attempted to balance it out with white.

TEST 2: This time my brother wanted to have a go. He tried to take out all the white and only use the colours still trying to keep the balance of light and dark patches, brown is only used minorly for the trims of the skirt belt and cuffs, as no other colour seemed to work he gave her face a light shade of grey.

TEST 3: Test 3 was supposed to be a different take on Test 1. but my brother decided to take over again, after messing around for a while he settled for the colour scheme shown. Using more shades of grey and less of the colours i wanted (-_-)p, he used only minimal brown touches this time and kept the overall look of the character white.

TEST 4: Still sat in my chair my brother decided to have a third go this time using lots of brown with orange and amber kept secondary…he also added an annoying white lines onto Ruk’s head…he prefers this one over the others.


Remastered and coloured – by Stedman75

Satoa Colours

Satoa represents Lightning (shown below)

Lightning Shot Icon

TEST1: (jacqsiir) i just added the white on his arms for this. thats right, on Test 1 I wanted a more shady version of the original, making his “skin” very dark and keeping the blue parts mostly dark

TEST2: On test 2 I wanted to see what a brighter version of the original and also remove the red

TEST3: (jacqsiir) I did this after having done test 4. Sted’s previous idea was so incredibly dire that it became imperitive for me to continue my ground-breaking work!

Test 4: (jacqsiir) I realised that sted was having massive brain-power malfunctions so I decided to lend a hand! He was wingeing about not having white in any of his previous designs so i came up with this using my vastly superior design skills. D (Big Grin)

(stedman75) you diiiikkkk heeaadddddddddd (-_-)p ^_^