

What is this?

An E-sting is a short TV channel ident animation for the Television channel E4, it is used as a filler just before or after another advert or program and is basically advertising that reminds you that “you are watching E4”


The E-sting -or an E-sting- must always clearly contain the E4 logo in some fashion during the course of its duration.

Normally very short, E-stings only normally last around 5 to 15 seconds total,

They can be simple or complicated in construction; so long as -written above- the E4 Logo is clearly displayed and not obscured or questionable


Bus Stop

This is an example E-sting, as stated it is a very short animation, in this instance a digital 2D animation, 11 seconds in length, clearly demonstrating the E4 logo throughout.

The animation its self can be quirky or unclear of motive so long as the E4 logo again is fully displayed relatively anything can be done amidst this, besides the obvious violent or sexual themes, although cartoon violence is acceptable.

The main colours within E-Stings are of course purple and white, these are the 2 colours that make up the E4 logo itself, and so normally the worlds remain in these 2 colours.


this example shows a 3D digital E-sting of a dog made of matchs and a match box, again obscured you are left right until the end thinking “hmm? What is this” and then it suddenly becomes clear when the E4 logo is reviled after the “dog” sets itself alight, its ashes making the logo on the floor.

Only 15 seconds in length total and very simplistic, plain white background with just the “dog” creation on screen, the dogs match box body has a purple exterior, again capitalising on the White/purple mixture.

What I have to do…

The task at hand is to create my own E-sting, this is narrowed down greatly by a set of audio bites prepared to give us a theme or direction to follow in our work.

There are 10 sound files in all.

File 1 – This sound bed sounds very futuristic, with lots of sci-fi whizzing noises, it has a medium – fast pace to its overall rhythm 

File 2 – File 2 has a more urban feel to it, it is slower and feels much darker than number 1, it represents what music could possibly be heard in some clubs nowadays

File 3 – File three sounds to me like something from maybe a 70’s black gangster movie, or something that could be heard in sombodys car driving down a road next to the beach in the sun.

File 4 – File 4 is very up beat, and sounds like somthing much more tribal, it also sounds like there are ambient jungle birds singing in the background, this song could also reflect the type of music heard at Mardi Gra

File 5 – Five is a very dark and ominous sounding bed, it seems to imagine things lurking in the darkness, I personally imagine a lone TV set in a black room, with a flickering/noisy scrambled display occasionally showing the E4 logo.

thought bubble…

I’ve been thinking a lot over the past 4 weeks…

Thinking about what in god I am doing, thinking how much I don’t want to burden people.

my time here has been………. well I can’t even put it into words, but slowly I lose confidence in myself to actually do the things asked of me, this happens in just about everything, not solely university studies, one day I feel great like I can do anything, and the next I’m doubting whether I can even do things anymore.. I don’t know what’s up with me, and to be honest I’m not sure anything is wrong with me, I decided to speak to mum about how i feel, and that was a bad move, first she shouted at me and then she phoned back the next day like “ooh I couldn’t sleep I was so worried about you” man that is so fucking annoying. she made me promise not to speak to dad about it because he’d over worry himself and smoke like 400 cigarettes in a row. this is why I just keep things to myself, whenever i talk to somebody i never seem to be able to get the right feeling back and just end up feeling like crap again the next day or a few hours later. Besides, the way I see it people have enough to worry about without me dropping my load onto them as well. Something about that just doesn’t seem fair at all, so I’ll just put it here, because I have to write this down at least or I’m going to just implode.

The crazy thing is, things in general are actually going quite well… I have a beautiful girl friend now, my house is a great place to live, money is still an issue but that’s just 1 small issue. Back home, Mum finally started dating again after the horrid break up with dad last year, and she’s seeing some guy.. which concerns me a bit, but I think that’s natural, mums not stupid anyway, and she sure as hell won’t take any bullshit from him, still I’m a little worried about that, the last times didn’t go well at all. Dad started dating another woman and is getting on very well indeed with her, his job also seems to be treating him quite well for once, so he seems alot happier than ive heard him for a long time. Ben, my oldest younger brother asked me about dating girls and what to say to them and thing of that nature, he said he hadn’t spoken to my older brother or mum/dad about it, which in all fairness I was pretty touched by that, that he came to me first out of everyone, so I gave him some sound advice from my experience, anyway.. not important what was important and something that helped me a little in my final conclusion is that, despite the playfully mean things I say and do to my younger brothers, they STILL look up to me the most instead of Anton the oldest, and the distance between us is the furthest apart, sad thing is it’s that far because I wanted/chose to be that far away on purpose, so I didn’t have to be in that house and could try and spread my own wings. I just don’t seem to be able to manage it and its driving me up the wall, I gave up gaming because I thought that was the problem and now my story writing has taken over even worse than gaming was, I can’t figure out why I just can’t seem to be able to DO things that I need to do. I have noticed that I feel much better doing the tasks after the time has passed for them to be done. Its making me crazy.

I sat and thought about what I’m doing. “Digital designer” I looked over my uni work, and it’s pretty not good when you see other peoples, another reason I can’t stand looking at other peoples blogs, makes me massively depressed. I don’t know if it’s because I’m angry at not being able to do it, or if I’m angry at always doubting whether I can do it if I tried, I think its arrogance, but I don’t feel like I’m being arrogant which in itself may be the problem, I hate asking people things, especially for help, I don’t mind asking “hey what you think of this that I’ve done” but it makes my skin crawl asking for help, I think that’s from many years spent at school in the wrong crowd, because it couldn’t be much else, maybe mum snapping 80% of the time at me when I asked her things in the past, so I just stopped asking. I don’t want to blame mum though, because I’m old enough to be able to change that I think, but I don’t know how.

With the way I’ve been feeling about everything i feel like some sort of pitiful Emo child.

Putting things into perspective, the amount of money, time, effort, sweat, and tears (I am capable of this too) there had been too much of each to suddenly quit university. And I finally realised how much my brothers really do look up to me, it was… revolutional in my heart, I have never once thought about myself in a way like that. My Girl Friend too, because she wasn’t an easy catch and which is beside the point, I love her dearly. If I quit id let SO many people down. So many people would be annoyed/disappointed (which is worse), id set a truly bad example as the big brother, if I quit now.

So… If not for myself I will finish this course for everyone that is looking out for me to become something, and to make something of this time I’m having now in my life, I will try and set the right example.   By shutting the fuck up and just doing it, as mum would say.