

What is this?

An E-sting is a short TV channel ident animation for the Television channel E4, it is used as a filler just before or after another advert or program and is basically advertising that reminds you that “you are watching E4”


The E-sting -or an E-sting- must always clearly contain the E4 logo in some fashion during the course of its duration.

Normally very short, E-stings only normally last around 5 to 15 seconds total,

They can be simple or complicated in construction; so long as -written above- the E4 Logo is clearly displayed and not obscured or questionable


Bus Stop

This is an example E-sting, as stated it is a very short animation, in this instance a digital 2D animation, 11 seconds in length, clearly demonstrating the E4 logo throughout.

The animation its self can be quirky or unclear of motive so long as the E4 logo again is fully displayed relatively anything can be done amidst this, besides the obvious violent or sexual themes, although cartoon violence is acceptable.

The main colours within E-Stings are of course purple and white, these are the 2 colours that make up the E4 logo itself, and so normally the worlds remain in these 2 colours.


this example shows a 3D digital E-sting of a dog made of matchs and a match box, again obscured you are left right until the end thinking “hmm? What is this” and then it suddenly becomes clear when the E4 logo is reviled after the “dog” sets itself alight, its ashes making the logo on the floor.

Only 15 seconds in length total and very simplistic, plain white background with just the “dog” creation on screen, the dogs match box body has a purple exterior, again capitalising on the White/purple mixture.

What I have to do…

The task at hand is to create my own E-sting, this is narrowed down greatly by a set of audio bites prepared to give us a theme or direction to follow in our work.

There are 10 sound files in all.

File 1 – This sound bed sounds very futuristic, with lots of sci-fi whizzing noises, it has a medium – fast pace to its overall rhythm 

File 2 – File 2 has a more urban feel to it, it is slower and feels much darker than number 1, it represents what music could possibly be heard in some clubs nowadays

File 3 – File three sounds to me like something from maybe a 70’s black gangster movie, or something that could be heard in sombodys car driving down a road next to the beach in the sun.

File 4 – File 4 is very up beat, and sounds like somthing much more tribal, it also sounds like there are ambient jungle birds singing in the background, this song could also reflect the type of music heard at Mardi Gra

File 5 – Five is a very dark and ominous sounding bed, it seems to imagine things lurking in the darkness, I personally imagine a lone TV set in a black room, with a flickering/noisy scrambled display occasionally showing the E4 logo.

thought bubble…

I’ve been thinking a lot over the past 4 weeks…

Thinking about what in god I am doing, thinking how much I don’t want to burden people.

my time here has been………. well I can’t even put it into words, but slowly I lose confidence in myself to actually do the things asked of me, this happens in just about everything, not solely university studies, one day I feel great like I can do anything, and the next I’m doubting whether I can even do things anymore.. I don’t know what’s up with me, and to be honest I’m not sure anything is wrong with me, I decided to speak to mum about how i feel, and that was a bad move, first she shouted at me and then she phoned back the next day like “ooh I couldn’t sleep I was so worried about you” man that is so fucking annoying. she made me promise not to speak to dad about it because he’d over worry himself and smoke like 400 cigarettes in a row. this is why I just keep things to myself, whenever i talk to somebody i never seem to be able to get the right feeling back and just end up feeling like crap again the next day or a few hours later. Besides, the way I see it people have enough to worry about without me dropping my load onto them as well. Something about that just doesn’t seem fair at all, so I’ll just put it here, because I have to write this down at least or I’m going to just implode.

The crazy thing is, things in general are actually going quite well… I have a beautiful girl friend now, my house is a great place to live, money is still an issue but that’s just 1 small issue. Back home, Mum finally started dating again after the horrid break up with dad last year, and she’s seeing some guy.. which concerns me a bit, but I think that’s natural, mums not stupid anyway, and she sure as hell won’t take any bullshit from him, still I’m a little worried about that, the last times didn’t go well at all. Dad started dating another woman and is getting on very well indeed with her, his job also seems to be treating him quite well for once, so he seems alot happier than ive heard him for a long time. Ben, my oldest younger brother asked me about dating girls and what to say to them and thing of that nature, he said he hadn’t spoken to my older brother or mum/dad about it, which in all fairness I was pretty touched by that, that he came to me first out of everyone, so I gave him some sound advice from my experience, anyway.. not important what was important and something that helped me a little in my final conclusion is that, despite the playfully mean things I say and do to my younger brothers, they STILL look up to me the most instead of Anton the oldest, and the distance between us is the furthest apart, sad thing is it’s that far because I wanted/chose to be that far away on purpose, so I didn’t have to be in that house and could try and spread my own wings. I just don’t seem to be able to manage it and its driving me up the wall, I gave up gaming because I thought that was the problem and now my story writing has taken over even worse than gaming was, I can’t figure out why I just can’t seem to be able to DO things that I need to do. I have noticed that I feel much better doing the tasks after the time has passed for them to be done. Its making me crazy.

I sat and thought about what I’m doing. “Digital designer” I looked over my uni work, and it’s pretty not good when you see other peoples, another reason I can’t stand looking at other peoples blogs, makes me massively depressed. I don’t know if it’s because I’m angry at not being able to do it, or if I’m angry at always doubting whether I can do it if I tried, I think its arrogance, but I don’t feel like I’m being arrogant which in itself may be the problem, I hate asking people things, especially for help, I don’t mind asking “hey what you think of this that I’ve done” but it makes my skin crawl asking for help, I think that’s from many years spent at school in the wrong crowd, because it couldn’t be much else, maybe mum snapping 80% of the time at me when I asked her things in the past, so I just stopped asking. I don’t want to blame mum though, because I’m old enough to be able to change that I think, but I don’t know how.

With the way I’ve been feeling about everything i feel like some sort of pitiful Emo child.

Putting things into perspective, the amount of money, time, effort, sweat, and tears (I am capable of this too) there had been too much of each to suddenly quit university. And I finally realised how much my brothers really do look up to me, it was… revolutional in my heart, I have never once thought about myself in a way like that. My Girl Friend too, because she wasn’t an easy catch and which is beside the point, I love her dearly. If I quit id let SO many people down. So many people would be annoyed/disappointed (which is worse), id set a truly bad example as the big brother, if I quit now.

So… If not for myself I will finish this course for everyone that is looking out for me to become something, and to make something of this time I’m having now in my life, I will try and set the right example.   By shutting the fuck up and just doing it, as mum would say.

Unit 1 – Narrative

today 21st of september marks day 1 on the UCA YEAR 2 calender. it was good to meet everybody again especially my good friend Tom.

after the brief, we were all split into our groups (because its a group project… duh). My group consists of

Me (Dii),

Zack Moat

Gabriele Maiocco

I think my group is awesome, none of us are really outspoken or demand alot of attention, nor do we force ourselves onto each other like brain sluts, idea whoring eachother till we end up playing russian roulette, we are all…. just easy going borgs. This is helped by the fact that none of us really know each other that well, i mean i hadnt previously spoken to Zack, even though we spent the best part of a year in the same room, and Gabriele is new in the group this year.

we decided to get straight to it, and began to brainstorm potential spoofable films or genres that we know well enough.

Side 1

I suggested that we could do “Robocop” as a spoof,

I thought of Robocop simply because its a film that is in everyones heart, everyone knows robocop, i dont know a human alive who hasnt seen at least the first film, and even if they havent seen the film they know what he looks like. The release of the film is perfect for the age group of our year, a great 80’s movie.

All three of us literally fell in love with the idea’s we were churning out, so we turned over the page and put Robocop in the centre of the storm.

Side 2

after we had done what we could think of on paper, I suggested that we each pick one idea and storyboard it for the next day so we can see if they would be anygood, Zack disagreed and said that we should wait it out a bit longer before jumping in just incase we miss somthing or get somthing wrong, which is true as has happened to me in the past. so instead he decided that we should think of 10 ideas that we could do for the Robocop spoof instead.

my ideas are.

1. Being a gillete shaving model, because he only has a chin left.

2. Having a intel inside sticker on his back or helmet









its really hard to come up with so many more ideas when we wrote so many down already, and i dont want to step on anybodies toes by claiming gags that i didnt infact make, because its a team effort.

i shall fill them in tomorow. after i have seen what the team thinks, since its only a minute, we have quite a lot of stuff already that could fill that space, of course we need to wittle it down to the best ones, and make it have a beginning middle and end.

must think about sound too —


ok so ive been thinking about it, i spoke with zack yesterday, (29/09/09) and he said that we should each take a 20 second slot of the final production, that way we each get to detail what we did in the project, as well as also having our own idea put into motion, no body is left on the sidelines to accept the will of the others. however after talking with Gabriele today, he suggested that we cut to having 15seconds each, so that we had enough time for an intro, and I agreed.

this means that it will lay out somthing like this

Intro – 15 seconds (robocop is fired)

Slot 1 –

Slot 2 –

Slot 3 –

Who takes what slots is I feel will be completely decided on how each of our gags play out, the strongest one should be last so there is a sort of build up, however the funniest jokes may not be the same for everybody we will decide the order after the “gag pitch” next week, asking which jokes they feel are the strongest and weakest. 

The underlying plot is Robocop has been fired from OCP and is in search of a new job. that will be the intro slot

Beacuse he is such an awkward character anyrole would be funny that entails normal things that are done in society, shopping, dancing, swimming? haha.

right at the start, itd be funny if we ripped some of the sound from the movie and made  a composit sound,

at the end of the film, the director of OCP shouts “nick..YOUR FIRED!” if we could take this and mix it with the name Murphy or Robocop then we could have a good begining to our show, “Murphy… YOUR FIRED”, and thus setting up the rest quite nicely as we follow him in his search for a new job. This is of course just my own thoughts, ive yet to take this up with the guys.





Robocop spoof 2nd attempt

ok, so going back and rethinking the spoof idea basics. I watched robocop again to see what could be done.

I still really like the idea of him being fired, but instead of him being fired before the sequence of things we would show, he gets fired after, so i am showing a possible ways for him to end up actually being fired from the police force, and i thought to do it in the style of a news broadcast, parodying the start of the actual film itself.

instead of: “this is media break, give us 3 minutes and we’ll give you the world”

id make it: “this is media break. give us 1 minute and we’ll entertain you”

which clearly is wrong, because the news is not rated on its entertainment value.

Top Story, Robocop

after Alan said we need to watch and think about what the film means, I figured its about justice over evil, but also about him following his 4 command directives, so I thought it would be funny if the reason he was fired was because he deliberatly breaks these bult in directives on more than 1 occasion.

The three directives

“serve the public trust”

“protect the innocent”

“uphold the law”

there is a hidden fourth directive, but since there is only three of us in the group and only a minute to spare, I thought this would be best left out

“protect the innocent”

robocop was fired from OCP today after continued direct violations of the law and his own command directives

*shows video of him shooting a civilian*
in an interveiw earlier today he had this to say

“good game”

Storyboard – “protect the innocent” 


Pwn’d, is another very popular online gaming slang used when sombody was dealt with in a way that they had no control over the outcome of their life.

“you got pwned”,  depending on the situation there are many extrapolations of this phrase that are used instead, such as “pwn, pwned, pwnz0r’d” etc

the “good game” quote is a very popular online gaming quote stated at the end of a senario or at the start of a new one as a form of good sportsmanship fo all sides, or as a general statement for the imminent victory of one side of the fight over the other. Normally abbreiviated as simply “gg”, it can also become “gfg” which means “good fucking game” obbviously a more extreme victory or “rape” of the other side leaving them no chance to win.

I thought to use this slang because it is snappy and quick, also he has a monotonous voice so it would sound perfect. the “GFG” version is far too extreme to use in this situation.

the “LOL” card that is attacted to the desk is a small comedic amplifier which fits into the language that both the male newsreader and robocop in this idea.


Idea for – “Serve the Public Trust”

for this one I thought that “well if he is designed to serve the public, the public must believe what he says

to spoof this i thought of a really simple idea, such as robocop deliberatly telling people incorrect information. To make this simple and less time consuming I used the example of directions on a street. having people come to him for directions and then him looking in the correct direction and then turning about face and telling them its in the opposite direction.

Female NewsReader: “undercover polive watchdogs posing as civilains  reported Robocop gave them false information on purpose
on multiple occasions, giving them incorrect navigational data for directions to places. telling them to
go the completely the wrong direction even when a street sign is in plain sight.”

*shows clip of him looking in the right direction first and then instructing them to go in the blatantly wrong direction*

Female NewsReader: “people that didnt comply with the given directions and argued with the supercop were subsequently arrested for “wasting police time””

*shows video of him putting a man in the policecar after he argued with him about the directions*


Idea for – Uphold the Law

this idea is self explanitary, in order to spoof this directive, we would need to have Robocop break the law in some way.

still using the news broadcast idea i had the plan that there would be a hold up of a late night shop of off liscence, and of course it would be Robocop as the enemy, i mean how do you say “no” to robocop, its not going to happen, the idea was that robocop was sick  of eating that paste that he gets fed, and thus goes out to aquire some better food, which of course is the different flavours of baby food, since he doesnt gat paid because as they say in the film “hes legally dead, we can do pretty much anything we want to him”, so he has no money, but he wants this food, so he takes a basket and fills it will the baby food and attempts to make a run for it.

*News reader is full in the right side of the frame*

Male News Reader: “Uncanny shock was all that one liquer store owner felt as he described an incident involving Robocop earlier today, Ms jones could tell us more.

*he looks to his left after he finishes speaking.

*the camera snaps to a full frame shot of the Female news reader*

Female News Reader: “The OCP legendary crime fighter Robocop seemed to have had enough of the food he was being given at his work place, the 7 foot machine wieghing — pounds is forced to eat a sloppy brown liquid wich looks like somthing I let go of not too long before we started airing…”

*she loses her trail of thought after that last disturbing relavation and looks down at her desk in restrained embarasment*

Male news reader: *coughs*

*she slowly brings her head back up and composes her self, then continues reading*

Female News Reader: …Excuse me… *ahem* When Robocop was refused food in the OCP cafeteria he left in rage, stating -and I quote- “thats racisism to cyborgs”, and that the cafeteria worker was -again I quote- “activley practicing technolocism in the work place” 

*camera snaps to the male reader. he is smiling looking off to the left of the shot at the female reader*

Male News Reader: “It was surprising nobody was hurt” 

*still looking straight at the camera she continues to report the news*

Female News Reader: “The supercop then proceeded to the nearest store and stole 84 dollars worth of baby food products and attempted to escape on foot”

*behind register cctv – shows Robocop stealing the baby food in the distance*

Male News Reader: “And with a top land speed of 2 miles per hour, it was quite the spectacle

*carpark cctv – shows Robocop attempting to make off with the goods*


Out of all the ideas I thought the last one was the best, it would make me laugh personally more than perhaps the second one, my first idea which is the “protect the inocent” directive spoof, now that i look back on it, I feel its really shallow humour, using the internet slang seemed really funny at the time but now its not so great.


I missed round three (tuesday and thursday) of last week due to a nut allergy that I underestimated… twice, I think I will just stay away from indian food forever tbh. I was pretty much unconscious although for the postmodern stuff i tried my best to put up with it, god it was hard, its easier when phil does it to when…the.. other people whos names ive forgoten did it last year. I had Tikka Masala, and it had to be finished, because I cant afford to throw anything away. I WANT MY LOAN ALREADY!


round 4! FIGHT

This week is pretty much the week we need to finalise our ideas and move on to sort of Previz and cinematic stages, at first my group hadn’t really got a defined plan of action, since  we had had minimal contact with each other to discuss ideas and possible routes we could take as a group, which is my fault for not being in really, so we had been pretty much doing what we each thought would be a good direction to go in, which in a way is a -kind of- good thing since it means we are all free to think for ourselves and then bring it all together later.

I had been looking at the what Robocop meant to me, that being the 3 directives, and the news was a good medium in which to introduce this and split the work between the 3 of us so its fair.

Zack had been looking at advertising spoofs of popular brands like the Apple Iphone, he was trying to implement this as a spoof in our production and use it to try and “sell a Robocop”

Gabriele had been thinking in depth about how we could get a shortened version of the film, adding bits that would make it funny like gay police men, and then Robocop dresses as a gay policeman over the top of his armour saying “lets go fight some crime, baby”. which was pretty humorous I thought.

Allen said that mine and Zacks were more or less around the same area in the ways of, its being serious but there is an underlying stupidity going on underneath all the exterior, and that Gabriele’s was good too but we should try to bring all these together somehow. That’s pretty much what I had had in mind after watching Airplane i wanted to somehow capture a serious story with comedy within it, however -we felt a bit smoked out, having exhausted many ideas we thought were great and made us laugh gradually turned upside down and we’d return again to the drawing board.

After everyone had finished showing their groups new ideas and progress reports, we watched (something that I’ve forgotten the name of) which came in the form of a -very well filmed- fake news broadcast, that parodied the news and how serious it was beginning to take itself, especially spoofing the over-embellished graphical interludes that exist at the start of a broadcast and between scene changes.

While watching this, in a similar style to Airplane, it was being so serious about itself that it became funny. the fact that it took things that were stupid and made them seem common place was really good, like using a wild tiger to stop youths from playing there music too loud, this was said with a completely straight face and no other comical hits were given however I was laughing quite a lot.

After this had finished everyone was sat around waiting for time to pass so we could got and see the movie Up, Me Zack and Gabriele were sat staring into space with smoke drifting out of our heads. then Zack and Gabriele began to start over again, discussing ways to take this based on what we had heard. I asked if I could use Gabriele’s note pad to write something down and then i began to write a small script while Zack and Gabriele continued there discussion (I couldn’t hear what they were saying, I was concentrating, lol sorry guys), this is what I wrote.

On Gabriele’s Notebook

*News starts*
*News Reader Introduces themself*
*Terror in the School*


News Reporter: “31 children were killed today when a terrorist got into a school in downtown detroit, fortunatley Robocop was on the scene and made the child murderer pay for his crimes, John Doe reports”

John Doe: “once the place of a happy learning environment, now a blood bath. the knife wielding criminal was taken down by a fatal stab wound after he slipped on a pair of paper scissors and fell heart first, onto is own knife. the criminal successfully dodged 90 of Robocops bullets leaving the room in complete silence.


After I finished writing this little segment i turned the pad around, Zack and Gabriele were still talking, it was like “…and your back in the room”. I asked them what they both thought of this and they read it (pretty bloody quickly imo) they both really liked it Gabriele like the “successfully dodged 90 bullets” part, and Zack seemd to like the idea that it was being serious and so made itself funny without realising it. I explained that we could incorporate Zacks plan to have an advert in the news as like a sponsor for the news, and the sponsor could be for the gun that is just being reported to have killed 31 children, (even thought this is never explained it is implied)

Zack then came to the conclusion after letting what Alan said sink in a while that we should stop trying to be funny, and be serious because it will set itself up to be funny anyway, since the entire idea of Robocop is so absurd we agreed that we were working to hard to make it funny when infact in todays cinema world it is already funny when looked at and analysed from a far. So instead of trying to be funny, we should go the otherway just like the fake news program we just watched and be serious about everything.

We then began to expand on this in an attempt to figure out the general spread of work so it was fair, but also to get a final part for Gabrieles section. Gabriele suggested a interview with robocop outside the school, where again, both the reporter and Robocop are being completely serious about the whole thing, however Robocop is actually covered in blood splatters, and has a childs disembodied arm from the elbow down just resting on his shoulder while he is talking.

In order to hide the fact that robocop kills the children we thought of having the reporter as a series of questions and then sombody offscreen hands robocop a wad of paper which on the back says “emergency script” this would only be visual for about 1 second, if that. at which point he says “thank you” in that robotic way he does at the end of the first movie.

John Doe: “do you have anything to say to the kids at home?”

Robocop: “…stay out of trouble”

Focusing the lens!

we are now done with the clear skys stage and we have bolted down a idea that we will carry foward to the end of the project, this idea was explained in my last post on this topic.

we have split up the minute into 3 main parts.

1. News Room (me)

2. Advertisement for Robocops gun (Zack)

3. Interview with Robocop at the scene of the crime. (Gabe)

Below is the storyboard for my part of the final production, spoofing the the overuse of graphics in media, also setting the key factors that will make up the main joke of the sequence, and that is the fate of the children.

through out you are told the children are shot dead, but the criminal in question you are told only has a knife, what happens to the children is left up to your imagination.

we decided to “do” children (lol) is because young people are much more close to our hearts than say old people, as human beings we look after our young probably the most out all other animals on the planet, so when bad things happen to children such as abuse, murder or other such catastrophies it really hits us as a sad terrible thing

A strong example of this feeling i felt can be had when watching this video on youtube.

now its not that we are trying to recreate the feeling of pure despair that this video brings me, since its supposed to be funny, but the sence that you are never told directly by anybody that robocop committed this unforgivable sin and murdered all the children in the room, it is strongly implied throughout the production, even in the use of the advertisement for the weapon he uses to do it. 

the main selling point of the joke will be the twitch which we hope to give robocop in response to the word “children or child” in which like the dogs in Disney Pixars “Up” to the word “squirrel” Robocop will become instantly alert and weapon at the ready.




Vienna Field Trip

There was the option for all design departments to go on a field trip to vienna to visit the many gallerys there.

however only the modelmaking departments students signed up… and of course, me.

I will be holding up the flag for digital design!


in a nutshell, vienna was strange and gray, i amy update this post later on…


i did manage to take roughly 1000 pictures, uploading them to here would take all year however.

UCA D3DD Unit 3 – Digital Environments

Sigh. the last assignment was a complete and utter fail, even though i had told myself at the start that it wouldnt be, because the first one wasnt so hot either. this time will be different.

Phil spoke for a while about the brief explaining its important qualities. He then showed the group a series of highly interesting photographic fine art work, where parts of the actions implied in the picture were not fully in view as if the picture had be taken using the viewfinder on a camera. I found this honestly quite interesting in terms of the fact that is was not a photograph even though it seemed to be. he also showed us images where the design of the set, and the lighting was all manufactured around the position of the camera to give a final powerful image that suggests so many things but leaves us only guessing in the end.

Phil stated the best thing that we could produce in 5 weeks time is to have an image that is Abiguous, meaning as he puts it “its this, but its also this, but its also none of them”

very vague statement indeed, I have writen a list of things to look up and find more meaning, they are written below.


Dictionary Terms

Online Webminister Dictionary 

– Ambiguous –


1 a: doubtful or uncertain especially from obscurity or indistinctness <eyes of an ambiguous color>
   b: inexplicable
2: capable of being understood in two or more possible senses or ways <an ambiguous smile> <an ambiguous term> <a deliberately ambiguous reply>

My input

Ambiguity is the term that means when somthing is not easily identifyable as a specific type of somthing, Humans are ambigious at the early weeks of birth, without looking at genetalia it is very hard to distinguish between male and female in the early stages of life.)


– Uncanny –

1 a: seeming to have a supernatural character or origin : eerie , mysterious

   b: being beyond what is normal or expected : suggesting superhuman or supernatural powers <an uncanny sense of direction>

My input

things that people find uncanny can often only be found uncanny to the individual person, as our lives progress we learn and see things differently, our fears and sense of the world and how we percieve it are all different, so it is very difficult to grasp uncanny for a lot of people, without knowing everything about the people watching.

Uncanny is similar to strange and creepy but is none of the two.  


– Mese-en-scene –

mise en scene is the way things appear in a certain way deliberatley to convey a certain point of view or perspective.

My Mise-en-scene is all about constructing the room and its equipment to help push my viewer to believe that the inhabitant of the room has trouble with the outside world.


– tableau vivant –


 – Agoraphobia –

1. abnormal fear of being helpless in an embarrassing or unescapable situation that is characterized especially by the avoidance of open or public places

Extention on Agrophobia

I have a mild fear of wide open spaces, although im not sure if the feeling is fear, or unfomfort. This is mainly because I have lived in big large citys my whole life, I have become accustom the bustle of people on trams, trains, planes, buses etc. I wish to take this slight uncomfort I have and create as my final maya product a scene depicting a small picture where sombody with abhorant Agoraphobia resides.

 I watched a very interesting video on the NHS website, about agoraphoba, and about other phobia’s in general,


it states that people can actuall be completely handicapped by there phobia whic i s the direction I really want to push my scene. Interestingly enough it also states that all phobias are cureable with almost the minimal amount of treatment, such as it mentions spider and snake phobia are cureable with roughly 3 hours of treatment, in this time it wont be fully cured but the phobia will have retreated a considerable amount.

cognitive behavioral therapy is used o help thoughs with agoraphobia rid them selves of there phobia, it takes longer than getting rid of other more physical phobia like the snake/spider phobia, but it is curable.

learning from the NHS website i leaned that there are two types of agoraphobia. There is Panic disorder agoraphobia, and Non-panic disorder agoraphobia.

Initial Sketch and Concept

For my final scene I was working with Agrophobia and uncanny in mind, so I tried to make my ideas form around the thoughts of strange and trapped

Ive had a few ideas in my head for my uncanny scene.

The first idea I had was a attempted reproduction of a genuine uncanny moment I experiacnced when walking back to the halls of residence. What happened was, when I was crossing the road near halls a the headlights of a car in the distance and a motorcycle quite close to be overlapped at just the right moment and to make the car in the distance appear to be horrifically and impossibly streched.

I have tried to redraw the scene but I got the perspective wrong, that image is below


I decided to go out and take a photo of the scene.

To actually be stood in the middle of the road for long enough for my camera to take the picture WITHOUT me getting ran over meant I had to get up at 5am on SATURDAY morning -_-, this wasnt nice, and its was very cold.

 HAHA it actually took me 22 tries to take the picture below because I was shivering so much, also for some unknown reason it takes 5 seconds AFTER you press the capture button for my camera to actually take the image.


My second Idea was a indoor scene where the scene depicts a area a agrophobiac inhabits and his state of mind, there is a desk that has a PC monitor on it, and outside the window there is the sand dunes of a desert with half buried lamp posts at random intervals, which is where the uncannyness and tabluex vivant come into play, there is also a handplrint on the window and marks on the wall next to the window where the person has been looking out into the world as he see’s it which is vastly unforgiving and frightning. 

Maya Scene

For my Maya Scene I have decided to do the scene from my second idea because i can relate a lot more to it helping figure out what I need.

I started off by making the window border and surrounding wall, I did this using a Polygon Plane object, and using the edge loop tool made a series of loops which eventually gave me the frame for the window, I used 2 verticle loops first then inside the verticle loops I did 2 horizontal loops. Once I had this square for the window frame I extruded the face backwards which left me with the image below.


 Next i wanted the Table I made in my concept art, however this was a standard boring old 4-verticle-legs type of table





Movies Section

Rather than simply just sitting there staring at a screen for 2 hours, going away and never thinking about the film again. I decided due to recent events that I should write notes on the films I watch, it may seem obvious, but i always over look the obvious things.


1. The Birds – Alfred hitchcock

I had never seen this film before (not suprising as i dont really enjoy zoning out for hours watching films) I was immediatly impressed by the smoothness of the film as a whole. The Frame rate was much higher than I was expecting, it was actually sort of strange to see people moving so fluently on screen.

Miss Melany Daniels, the main female leading character, seemed to charm people with her eyes and beauty, she does appear to have a sort of “Blonde Bombshell” kind of appearance. She meets “the Dude” (whats his name) and what was strange is the first conversation in the film was about events that happened outside our knowledge, so we immediatley plunged into there world as we realise that this film doesnt seem to have a start point, it appears to be just like sombody turned on a Video camera in the middle of a normal day where event in the world take place just like any other day.

It is then that “the Dude” turns the charm round on Melany as he uses his quick wits to outmanuever melay in there conversation then leaves promptly making her want more, so she goes in her car to find where he lives along with the 2 love birds that “the Dude” was asking for in the shop.

she then proceeds into the small village of “thingymbob” to ask where “The Dude” lives, she discovers he lives in a house separate from the rest of the village. When she asks what his daughter was called she got the names “Alice, and Lois”. Melany was told to go up the hill and see the teacher if she wanted to double check the name for herself, so she did.

The school Teacher seemed to be a very mysterious character, her name is “__”. she seemed to be seething and there was a mixture of jelousy and dislike for Melany when she told the teacher that she was here to visit “the dude” and that she had a present for his daughter (the 2 love birds). the teachers also seemed to be a little relieved (isnt openly suggested) when Melany states she doesnt really know the Brenners, nor will she be staying long. 

Also “The Dudes” mother also appeared to be seething over Mels arival, she later explains (as does the school teacher) why she acts the way she does towadrs her. This was because she didnt want “the Dude” to run off with Mel (or anyone else) and leave her all on her own. She also had a large hand in why the school teacher and “the dude”‘s relationship fell apart. This happened because (from what i can gather) the dude’s mother didnt like her, and so the dude just eventually lost interest.  


Long Weekend

This film was actually very scary…. the awful wailing sound from that sea cow was horrible (shudders) also the way that sea cow got closer and further up the beach everyfew minutes was VERY unnerving, even tho it had been shot, then buried. 


3D Pre Viz Section

This section is for another part of this unit which is doing a “Pre Viz” of an existing film scene or game cutscene. I am actually quite exited about this, it should be really good to do.

Pre-Viz is like the bare bones of a film, and is rapidly becoming one of the more important stages during film production

My Pre-Viz

the Film ive decided to do my pre viz from will be from Guy Richie’s “Snatch”

The scene that i am pre vizing is right at the end of the film, the very last fight of the film, between Horace “Goodnight” Anderson and Mickey the “jipsey bare knuckle boxing champion”.

starting from around the point where Goodnight anderson delivers a stiff cuppercut to Mickey’s chin and sends him flying in the air, and the cameras FPS increases and time seems to linger around for much longer than usual, leaving mickey hanging in the air for about 11 seconds before he hits the canvas.


The thing that is specifically being pre-Vized happens just after he hits the canvas, as sort of a metaphor for being knocked out he splashes into a dark void of water,


and begins to watch himself being beaten up by Goodnight above him in the real world, as he becomes slowly more unconscious he gets deeper in the water.


 before eventually snapping out of this trance and writing off “Goodnights” jaw. My Pre-Viz animation will end here.

after speaking with Alan it was said that this scene however still acceptable, is very subtle in terms of animation, so perhaps not the best choice for a Pre Viz, it is recommended that a scene with much more in terms of grandeur and excitement/action would be a more suitable choice.

Choice 2

My second choice was going to be a short clip from the movie Transformers (what a surprise ey)

the scene I wanted to previz was the initial introduction of Blackout, the Pave Low ME-53 helicopter that transforms and destroys the US Qutar operations base. AKA – Blackout


I found myself hiding from Maya for a long time, not sure why, becuase it is very hard to use? if this is the case then using it would only benefit me surely, I have to get rid of renegade.

Personal Achievement

I managed to finally bring myself to uninstall Command and Conquer Renegade, this was absolutely necessary as it seemed to have become more important than my university work, and it was making me confined to my room for unprecedented hours, it is highly addictive and i just couldn’t do any work while I had that option, if ever i hadnt done the work it was down to this game, it was my mental escape route to nowhere, to many this may seem like a obvious minor thing, but this was a critical achievement, everyone asked if I was insane… because that was the only game i played, but i played it into the 4am’s even with uni the next morning, even when a fail was right in-front of me i would still find myself on Renegade, Online game-play is too much fun, it had become a threat to my university work, and too my future. Like how many people would spend days on World of Warcraft that would be almost me on Renegade.

I feel I my realisation and removal of the game on the Friday of week 4 was a little too late to really help me out for this project and all the projects before this one, my failure to realise that it is destroying the enjoyable first year of my university career has cost me many a panic attack, but I have found myself with so much more time to do my work without the idea of going on that cursed game, its like ive gotten rid of the rock on my shoulders.

Already the amount of referal papers i have in my room is just stiupid. Regardless of what anybody says, I feel proud that I realised and managed to take action before somthing very regretable happens.

bring on the fourth project!

Mission 6 – More Than Meets The Eye!

Character Concept Art, Stage 2 – Colours…

Character Colour Design


This page will contain the colour sheets for all the characters once they have got through the rigors of the design phase.

All art is drawn originally by Rukifellth on paper then scanned and put up so I can break them down into there goods and bads, likes and dislikes.

Some of the drawings may apear rough and some are already coloured, so I take ones im happy with from the design phase and digitally remaster them in Flash, this makes them apear much more cartoon like, it is also many times easier to get the characters colour scheme right if it wasnt to my liking in the original.

The characters wont seem to apear in any order at first, because I may be happy with certain characters before others, but I will imput the images in the order of:

Gunstar Forces

Empire Forces

Golden Silver Forces

So be careful to check all the areas of the page because the newest images wont always be placed at the bottom.

also each character will have 5 diferent coloured designs…when you leave your comment leave the name of the character and the number of the colour scheme you liked best, so for example:

Joe Bloggs says:

RamosesBug Original, Ruks Test3, etc etc..

If you need to see them more clearly just click on the images to enlarge them.


Gunstar Forces

Blue (Klein)

Remastered and coloured – by Stedman75

Blue Colour Sheet

TEST1: this first test detailed only a minor change from how Rukifellth designed his colours originaly, the change of his pants to white with blue trim makes him feel much more complete to me

TEST2: my brother did this one because I asked him to, so I could see how another person would do it. He gave him a slight tan and used no white (much to my anoyance), he used grey perhaps where he thought the white should have been

————-                                              ————-

Red (Carmine)

Remastered and Coloured – by Stedman75

 info soon

yellow soon

————-                                              ————-

Decimarine (Dmarine)

Remastered and Coloured – by Stedman75



Empire Forces

Ramoses Bug

Remastered and coloured – by Stedman75

RBug colours sheet

These are just a few of the “possible” colours for Bug…. i feel ive been neglecting my GHR work as of late so im gonna try and get back on it…sorry for my absence

Standard Outline: This is just the plain outline exactly as i had traced it in flash over the original picture

Original Colours: This picture displays Bugs orignal colours Rukifelth decided on as close as I could get them without changing the way he looks… The colours are not as intense as in Rukifellths original coloured drawing and have been drained slightly to give him a softer more cartoon approach.

The rest are simply tests just to explore other posibilities….

TEST 1: Different look on him, I tried him in a royal blue overcoat this time with red trim and red eyes, it makes him look lots more important, formal and serious.

TEST 2: Trying to keeping the same look on him but still change it slightly, i thought of Irish leprichorns this time giving him deeper greens and lining him with “lots’o’gold” is eyes are deep forest green. 

TEST 3: Going off the rails a bit, I used my flagship colour set, the colours of the Shadowmist, including many deep grays (not black) and varying intensities of green… as Bug has no headband the Kspirit insignia on his chest displays his allegance to the shadows… Bug uses portals for his attacks so his wand contains a Kspirit that creates portals at his will (small portal shown on his wand)… All shadowmist empowered by Kspirits have glowing green eyes.

TEST 4: Giving him a more femanine aproach i decided to colour him in varied shades of purple ranging from very dark to very light… only three colours were used on this verisonmaking the mainstay of his body the purple that most would recognise and just adding the lighter and darker touches wherever they were needed, helping not to make him too femanine resulting in a total loss of his character.


Golden Silver Forces


Remastered and coloured – by Stedman75

Ruk represents Force (Picture below)

 Force Shot Icon

 Original Colours: This picture displays Ruk’s original colour scheme first decided by Rukifelth when he coloured the original.  The colours are limited to the ones shown, not including the blue on her legs in the original or the white parts, these colours of amber orange and brown are the closest colours to the Force insignia she represents.

TEST 1: This is the colour scheme I personally would want Ruks to have ingame… no brown and all light colours, the colour is evenly spread, with no one colour dominating or more visble than another, if so i attempted to balance it out with white.

TEST 2: This time my brother wanted to have a go. He tried to take out all the white and only use the colours still trying to keep the balance of light and dark patches, brown is only used minorly for the trims of the skirt belt and cuffs, as no other colour seemed to work he gave her face a light shade of grey.

TEST 3: Test 3 was supposed to be a different take on Test 1. but my brother decided to take over again, after messing around for a while he settled for the colour scheme shown. Using more shades of grey and less of the colours i wanted (-_-)p, he used only minimal brown touches this time and kept the overall look of the character white.

TEST 4: Still sat in my chair my brother decided to have a third go this time using lots of brown with orange and amber kept secondary…he also added an annoying white lines onto Ruk’s head…he prefers this one over the others.


Remastered and coloured – by Stedman75

Satoa Colours

Satoa represents Lightning (shown below)

Lightning Shot Icon

TEST1: (jacqsiir) i just added the white on his arms for this. thats right, on Test 1 I wanted a more shady version of the original, making his “skin” very dark and keeping the blue parts mostly dark

TEST2: On test 2 I wanted to see what a brighter version of the original and also remove the red

TEST3: (jacqsiir) I did this after having done test 4. Sted’s previous idea was so incredibly dire that it became imperitive for me to continue my ground-breaking work!

Test 4: (jacqsiir) I realised that sted was having massive brain-power malfunctions so I decided to lend a hand! He was wingeing about not having white in any of his previous designs so i came up with this using my vastly superior design skills. D (Big Grin)

(stedman75) you diiiikkkk heeaadddddddddd (-_-)p ^_^



Original Gunstar Heroes Banner

Gunstar Heroes Background


Since Resurrection is the sequal to an old game some people may only vaugly remember the original and some may never have heard of it at all.

This is a small skim of what takes place in the 1993 Gunstar Heroes title to bring everyone back up to the present and ready for Resurrection.

All the Main Characters good or bad are codenamed after colours

the main enemies are; Orange, Pink, Black, Green, and Grey as leader

the goodies are; Red, Blue, Yellow, (Green), and White/Brown as the leader



There are 4 gems each infused with 1 power

The Triangle gem is Chaser (power that homes in)

The Star gem is Force (power that rapidly flows to a point)

The Diamond gem is Lightning(electricity)

The Sphere gem is Fire, (duh)


Gunstar is a peace keeping force on planet G-9 (aka earth) consisting of members (main characters only)(in order of rank)




Red, Blue, Green


Green is being mind controlled by the empire, he is really like Yellow Red and Blue’s uncle, not there blood uncle but as close as one. he is being made to serve the empire…. he has command of a Large Robot Artefact called the Seven Force, which he controls from within.

MissionBlue and Red set off on a mission to stop The Empire and recover 4 power gems that they are trying to use to awaken Golden Silver “The God of Ruin”

After a series of long battles Red and Blue succeed in recovering all the power gems, when they return to base however Professor White has been tied up and Yellow was kidnapped by the Empire.

They set out immediately to rescue their sister, and are forced to give up all the power gems to the Empire leader General Grey in exchange for Yellows Saftey.

He then ascends into space on his giant spaceship to awaken Golden Silver in an atempt to rule the universe.

Professor White makes a small spacecraft and Red and Blue set straight back out into space after General Grey,

fighting off the endless hordes of the empire and defeating there uncle Green the Giant 7-Force Artefact, Red and Blue land on the spaceship,

They confront General Grey and the Power Gems he obtained suddenly turn on him, they almost kill him before they float into the containment room where Golden Silver is stored.

With all 4 Gems in close proximity to the containment chamber the seal is released and Golden Silver awakens, after a fierce battle with Red and Blue Golden Silver blasts off into space.

Golden Silver makes his way towards earth to suck it of all its energy, general grey regrets his actions and tries to stop golden Silver but he simply Blows him away, with no other way to stop the God of Ruin, Green, no longer under the emperors control, felt so bad for all the trouble he had caused his family, that he sacrifices himself, self destructing the Giant 7-Force Robot artefact on Golden Silver Killing them both and saving the universe from destruction.

My story starts here as Red and Blue make there way back to earth………

Character Concept Art – Page 2

Ramoses Bug (new) + Attack Descriptions– By Rukifellth 

Ramoses Bug 2


Artist Comments

Ramoses Bug: Considering that he’s actually a Silhouette Mirage character, I tried to make him like a combination of some of the major characters from SM, As for the head sculpt… well, tried to go for the original one, but I guess the one I drew first was better, Yes?

Lead Comments

This was really impressive! and incredibly helpful 🙂 , since ive never seen Bug ever before in my life before this project, seeing him “in Action” is a great help. hahaha and yes I want him to look like the first one you made because he looks infinitely cooler than that version, not the clothes tho! the clothes look proper sick on this one just the character itself. his colours could be a little different, but i think if the original bug you did had those clothes the he would be perfect. I cant wait to fight this guy, looks like it could be quite a challenge, also i want him to actually SUMMON a battleship…. because when you are fighting against him you will be constantly moving forwards not just some standard plain old boss, so at certain times he will summon an actual battleship bow to stern and hopes it will fall on you, so you best be on your feet! because its instant death no amount of heath will save you if something like that falls on your head…

King DeDeDe, Casino Castle Mini-boss– By Rukifellth


Artist Comments

King DeDeDe: Those who have played a Kirby game knows who he is. He is awesome, the self-proclaimed King of Dreamland makes a cameo as a boss. I tried to make him somewhat realistic, so there was parts that confused me, for example, he had a yellow body, but blue head. Even thoe he’s a penguin. So I made it like a Kimono (inspired by SSBB’s idea) but also gave him big puffy pants, and small pointy boots… GH would be perfect with a cameo fight against him! ; )

Lead Comments

hahahaha DeDeDe he looks like a parody of father christmas. great stuff rukifellth, I still need some original Casino Castle bosses, they cant all be parodys or cameos, do you know how many forms about copyright I will have to fill in already? a lot. the way you have displayed how he jumps looks SO much like a James Pond parody its untrue ^_^ you have drawn the ring in 3D you know this is a sidescroller right.. how will that work?

Green and 7 Force ACS– By Rukifellth


Artist Comments

Green: I made her suit look exactly like the one in the original game. I imagined her as asian, so I tried to give her somewhat chinese eyes, and making her look skilled. Altough, she’s inexperienced… T_T
As for her Seven-Force shape, I tried to make it more like a suit, rather than a big robot, but the parts of it are made to look like the same blocks that was used for the “Warrior-Force” form, except for the head, which was made to look like “Valkyrie-Force” from Alien-Soldier, and her tail, which is from the “Artemis-Force”, as for the gun… well… It’s based on the Gun-Form. Does it show?

Lead Comments

have you ever seen such beauty…. of course you have because you drew her 😀 . through out the short time I have known you I have noticed your MO, and its to draw (HAHAHA) large feet. I bet your thinking (OMG NOT AGAIN) she is very excellent and i can see how you meant to make her look very skilled with her eyes. you ever seen Lucky Star? she looks almost identical to one of the girls, Minami Iwasaki, you will see almost immediately what I mean by that 


I love the clothes they are perfect… besides from the shoes 🙂 im not sure about her to much yet, not your picture your picture pwns, just the character in general.

If i picture the 4 main characters, they are walking down a dark tunnel, Red is leading the group swinging her arms, she is very happy for finding this secret place, Blue would be a little behind her watching all around for trouble while still keeping an eye on Red making sure she doesn’t get too far ahead, and generally just looking a bit tired as he has been dragged down another “secret passage” courtesy of his sister. Yellow would be walking very close to Blue clutching his sleeve looking very worried and frightened of this dark place, where would Green be in this senario? I want Green to either be at the front with Red as the explorer/active kind or somewhere else, not like blue or yellow. her character will have to make up for Yellows lack of combat skill but not be overly sensible like i cant imagine the Green you have drawn being. haha she also reminds me of a sort of Ms. Sakaki from Azumanga Daioh 😀 . I will need to do research into character archetypes. 

what would help me out is if you drew an emotion sheet for the Green you have drawn there. then I may be able to make up my mind. 

Seven Force ACS (Armoured Combat Suit)

This was a great surprise it looks very true to the original especially her weapon hahaha :), i think tho that im going to go with your idea to have the Seven-force remade as a giant robot, I would like it to look inspired by Gundam Wing, however it must be mainly white with the Green trim, all metalic so no hair or silly feathered wings like in Gundam ^_^, so green fights in space with Golden Silver at the end. 


Random BUT IMPORTANT Comment

ok Rukifellth, im sure you are sick to your molars of me saying “small feet small feet small feet” SO… i decided to demonstrate the size of the characters feet, on blue…. this size should be taken into account on all the characters that i have mentioned “small feet” so all the Gunstars and Golden Silver…. ^_^ 

example of small feet


The feet have been scaled down in all dimensions x y z, p q r s you name it, the length of the trouser leg then had to be lengthened to compensate. I hope that has cleared any further feet issues ^_^ because I feel really bad saying it over and over. I’m like “YEAH THIS IS MINT….but he/she/its got big feet -_-” Aresa is the only character that will be spared this wrath.

 hahaha i missed out his eyes, i did them in the program but then he looked all soft and cuddly haha ive NEVER tried to do anime eyes before today, he looked like he would just give you a hug there and then :D….so i removed them and just gave him a mouth…..its not important anyway….the FEET are………..

ZOHAR Metatron/Sandalphon Attacks Detailed– By Rukifellth



Artist Comments

I tried to keep his attacks as much to the original game as possible, so I had to check out on Youtube, to see Zohar’s attacks from Silhouette Mirage…

Lead Comments

yess, the long awaited Zohar M/S attack list…. ive been waiting since the begining to see what this guyl could do, though not as openly as the others, and there both so cute ha ha. nice one 🙂 , Metatrons attacks are very cool, so he can do what Link does in smash bros eh? sweet spin attack 😀 , im a little concerned about Sandalphons attacks though…. hers seem to be the same as the Gem Minions… I am going to keep the bullet that follows until destroyed I like that, I would change the large continuing laser to a laser pulses so she shoots 2, one from each gun. not sure about the Snake shot, I wanted Alioto to have a weapon like that, and you dont really want to go thought the game seeing boss enemies with the same moves. I actually wanted her to have a weapon like Sandalphon’s one where she fires it and you have to kill it… Sandalphon can have one where you cant shoot at it but its not as acurate, because the chaser gem minion should be more powerful homing wise right. 

Green and the 7 Force Predicament– By Rukifellth

7 Force

Artist Comments

Just thought it would be cool if SF-Green would go berserk from her powers. Like a wild animal, which makes her hair fitting for an angry beast…

Lead Comments

Im still unsure about the suit design….im more confident about it being a suit now instead of a Giant Robot, but Im not sure I like the design, it looks too much like the old one in the way that you can see the rivets, and there are the “circles” that pretty much made up the old 7 force sprites on it. what im getting at is, it dosent look like somthing that the Gunstars made, which it is, or will be. whereas the Old 7 Force was an Artefact and was found, this one is made by White and Brown, and maybe even Black.

Changes, Requests and New Characters Sheet – By Rukifellth

Changes Desired


Artist Comments

The Robot Troops Hexi/Deci Marines

Yup, you guessed it, I thought of Transformers, but I gave them less human like faces, simply because their combat-robots made to kill, so I made them brutal, yet keeping some things from the normal soldiers…

The young group

Their so cuuuuuute, I love little Red sucking her thumb! ^_^
I want to become a father!

The ship

Pretty much like in the original, with the cannon and all, just beefed it up!


Tried to give it a sleek, yet boxy appearence…


I want that car, but it’s bad to release bad gases to the atmosphere, I’ll wait for the solar-powered or electric-cars! ^_^

Lead Comments

General comments

I would just like to be the first and perhaps the only person to say… that Gold and Silver… is now… Perfect!!!!!! perrrrchinngggg

The Robot Troops Hexi/Deci Marines

oooohhhh, Delicious!, that is amazing mate im loving the missile racks. Ok my main problem, more with the Decimarine than the Heximarine, is that they look too evil, again not so much if at all for the hex but definatly for the Decimarine, because they are the forces of good I want the units to have a nutral look, also the Decimarine looks like its got a hunchback, it should look more like its stood upright like the Heximarine, apart from that the dicimarine is perfect, hes more rounded like I wanted and he looks very robotic like I wanted ^_^. im not too sure about the F*** (u no why) but i dont know…itd be nice to see it with all the listed changes and smaller “ones of them”.

Ok, the Heximarine, or optimus prime…HAHA ha I like it but the antena things sort of give it away too much they could be changed in some way, like the shape or length of them, or there could just be more of them. I would also like the eyes to be either connected into one eye or just smaller, I love the mouth plate, could you keep the mouth plate but split it horizontally across into maybe 2 or 3 pieces. His arms were a little strange, I would like only one of their arms to have a Gattling Cannon, the other one should have a grenade launcher dont make it huge tho keep it smaller than his main weapon, and either both of the wrists need to be made thinner, or both the upper arms need to be beefed up, because I think it looks a little strange having such thin arms when there is somthing that big at the end, plus they need to be more angular. Ok, moving down, I love the missile racks and the upper torso, I dont like the waist and legs up to the shins, he looks far too much like a mining drone and Golden Silver with those pants on, so if you could keep the torso how it is and recreat the legs, dont make the waist really thin, I want it to sort of flow down from the upper torso, which you have made look very strong, so if he had some girl waist and lower torso itd look weak, still keep in mind hes more angles than curves and its that important balance of strength and agility.

Young ones

omg they are so cute! I love yellow here ^_^ AAAAAAWWWWWW ive gone all googly eyed! she looks like shes just like “yey.. yey!” waving her arms all crazy, HAAHHA AWWWWWWWWWWW so cuuuuuuuuuuute….this sort of thing heals me after college ^_^…. and blue like “hiya!” and red just like “…….” awww…….AAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW

 ok on to seriousness now *Ahem*…. right…..AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW joke they are insanley cute though. Blue I would like to have short blonde hair, you ever watched Naruto, whenever you see him as a little kid I would like his hair to look like that, many rugged little spikes… the other two are fine. I would like White to look more like an Aging hero not with scars and all that but more rugged…. he looks a bit too swave there he look a bit like hes immensley posh saying “Myes? and I own half of England…what are you looking at you smelly little man?” hahaha. so sharper features and perhaps stuble, no moustache ^_^. Brown is fine, he could perhaps look a little older too but. It might just be the angle you drew him but Green looks like hes about 15 there…. he should be 27 or higher… because of the tradegedy Red and Blue had been through, Green has been their guardian on and off since almost forever for them, if he was really young then they would end up seeing him as an older brother instead there uncle, even though he hates it when they call him uncle… do you see what I mean? he looks like they just called him uncle there too HAHA ^_^ he’s like “¬_¬ (man what a draag)”  haha.  


HAHAHA pimp my ride yno….didnt know it aired over there. Anyway I would like you to use the following cars for inspiration. All from the 1970’s era, i would like the 1970 Lincoln Continental to be the main inspiration with the large body, with other parts perhaps taken from the; Dodge Dart, Dodge Charger, I just found this picture on the net and it is prety much EXACTLY what i had imagined his car to look like only thing is the one in my mind only had 2 doors not 4… so if could look at that car and create somthing based on that that would be super.

58 lincoln Continental

 (Comet) Ship

that ship looks way better than the original one but its still wrong for me, there needs to be more to the ship than a cockpit, there needs to be more of a ship behind the sphere because Red leaves the cockpit in the script, so make the ship bigger it doesnt need to be some transport size there just needs to be more than a cockpit, im sure if you made it bigger and had those four engine thrusters also bigger it wouldnt look as strange to people. i mean because even our shuttles arent just a cockpit… 


This is great is very ideal for what I wanted, the only thing i dont know about it is how big it is, based on the size of the cockpit window it doesnt look to big, which is fine, i just need somthing next to it to represent scale. have you ever played Pariah? the Transports in that is kind of what I was looking for. so what you have made here is fine for a smaller dropship. But i will also need a very large Air Transport ship.

Gunstar Originals – by Rukifellth


 Thanks again Ruki, not must has to be said about these, we know the score. they are going to be part of a questionaire as you know. ^_^

Base Design 1, Oranges Truck and Whites Car  – By Rukifellth



Artist Comments

Classic Heroes: Basically the same characters in their GH suits (I might draw them in GFH suits for those who liked GFH)…

Car: Did just as Stedman wanted me to, so I gave it two doors, but keept the wheels, and let them fold in to become engines…

Truck: Nothing to fancy here, what makes it special is the painting on the convoy, the (Pumped and Primed) text is an obvious pun to a famous trukk not munkey…

GH-Base: It was a nightmare… a total nightmare to come up with a design. I wanted it to look like a goodguy base (scyscrapers, and light colours), but with a huge yard, so I came up with the idea to make the base look like the “Treasure” logo…

Lead Comments

haha I like the idea you had for the base hehehe. but i have somthing else in mind… if i can find a picture I will upload it here… if your finding somthing difficult then just ask me if i dont give you enough information to work from 😦 sorry about that.

The trucks picture is TOP hahaha some advertisement campaign haha loving it… the truckitself is too “current world” it needs to look like some futuristic beast… haha its still good, very G1 optimus prime!

The car will be used for Pinks car, as I already have what I need for Whites car… one thing tho I was hoping to avoid the typical “wheels turn into boosters” scenario at all costs… its been done and done and done again ^_^… im gonna go for just boosters now, I’ve decided. so the underside will be mostly antigrav and the rear or the car would have boosters, with small thrusters on the underside for emergencies  

Heads Up Display


There are many stages before these that I havent put up, I may do so in the future

General Comments

Gunstar Heroes Resurrection is very weapon based, as in – some weapons will only harm certain enemies while others do nothing or very little – so I saw fit to enable the characters in Resurrection to carry all 4 weapon Carterages around with them, if you ever get time to change then you can if you choose to do so, you will have to keep switching in certian parts of the game, this also means you get more from the game, instead of just using one weapon type, i.e the CTL Continuous Tracking Laser (Chaser Lightning Combo) and running through the whole game, it will put more pressure on you as a player to figure out what hurts what, however normally the enemies are colour coded to help.

The font was chosen to keep that original feel from the first game and help the older players feel a little more at home, also the word Vitality instead of Health I thought was a good thing to keep because I still have never played another game that used it in place of armour, shields, Life or Health. The small tab at the end of the HUD tray displays the name of the current weapon or weapon combination being used.

Red’s HUD – by Stedman75

Reds HUD

Individual Comments

This is a concept for Reds HUD in Gunstar Heroes. Even though she wont be playable in the game, herself and blue are the standard in Gunstar Heroes so I started with them. It is sharp and agressive looking, similar to her character.  

Rukifellth Comment

Blue’s HUD – Stedman75

blues hud

Individual Comments

This is a concept for Blue’s HUD in Gunstar Heroes. It is very uniform and level, similar to his character.

Rukifellth Comment

Classic HUD – Green – By Stedman75

Classic HUD, Green

Individual Comments

Concept for Green’s HUD using the original Gunstar Heroes simple HUD as a basis for the design. This HUD design looks good but wont be adequate for Resurrection as you will need to more slots for other weapon carterages and enough room for the text, names of carterages and current combo weapon being used. this simplistic HUD will be used when the original game is remade being brought up to scratch.